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Call Us Now! 904.637.0885

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does non-ferrous mean?
    Non-ferrous means not containing iron. Non-ferrous metals include: aluminium, copper & lead. Generally more expensive than ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight, higher conductivity, & their non-magnetic property or resistance to corrosion. In our business we commonly say - if a magnet sticks to it, we don't buy it.
  • What do I need to sell scrap?
    You must arrive in a vehicle (with tags), be at least 18 years of age & present a valid state I.D.
  • Do you sell auto parts & metal to the public?
    No, we do not sell any parts to the public. We are setup as a recycling company.
  • What are the current prices for scrap?
    We keep close tabs on the market values, so our prices are constantly changing. We offer quantity prices & strive to keep our smallest & biggest customers satisfied. Call 904.449.3215 or 904.637.0885 for an accurate price quote today!
  • Do you buy aluminum cans?
    No. Sorry!
  • Do you buy steel, appliances, or vehicles?"
    No, we do NOT buy steel, appliances, or vehicles.
  • Do I have to unload my scrap myself?
    No, our staff will assist & unload your materials at our faciliity & weigh all of your materials on our state certifed scales - weights are always visible, and recorded on camera.
  • What should I do if my question isn't on this list?
    Give us a call. we would love to assist you in any way we can! Call 904.449.3215 or 904.637.0885 or send us an e-mail @
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